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About company:

Private enterprise “Kronos agro” was established in 2003 with the title “Bohem Lake”, as a branch of the German-Ukrainian company “Bohem LTD” and specialized in the development of new drugs for veterinary medicine, feed additives, disinfectants and sanitation, as well as their production.

Since 2006, the company was separated from its parent and changed its name to “Kronos agro” and continued to develop the range of own products: acidifying agents brand “Kronocide”, immunomodulators “Manabattery” and “Multipattern”, aft biocatalysts “PKB”, tools sanitation and disinfection “Biocontact”, “Santana”, “Aquagen”, and the like.

the Quality of raw materials and finished products are constantly controlled by its own laboratory, equipped with modern means of control, and kreditovaniyu Ukrmetrteststandart, staffed by experienced professionals.

consultation operates a system of quality control ISO 9001:2009 and implemented a system ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP). This helps to ensure the production of quality and safe products.

Since the company has its own production facilities and experience in the development of new products, the company's clients can always count on assistance in the development of drugs that will satisfy their needs.

03170, м. Київ, вул. Костюка 39
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