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About company:
Group spokesman Detia Degesch GmbH (Germany) offers PHOSTOXIN, MAGTOXIN, DEGESCH PLATES/STRIPS for pest control inventory
Indispensable in the processing of grain, rice, seed, feed for livestock, coffee and cocoa beans, tea, herbs, nuts, flours, spices, chocolate, tobacco and etc.
PHOSTOXIN - a drug on the basis of aluminium phosphide, which has proven successful in the destruction of all stored product pests at all stages of their development
MAGTOXIN - fumigant based on magnesium phosphide. Allows almost three times to reduce the processing time compared with products based on aluminium phosphide. Operates at low temperature (0-5°C). Made in the form of round tablets Wes 3 g.
SHEETS and STRIPS - based products of magnesium phosphide. Each PLATE is individually wrapped tight in the foil. TAPE DEGESCH consists of 20'interlocked PLATES. Allow processing of the Packed products. Do not leave processed products harmful residues and foreign smell.
Produced by a concentrated poison for mice and rats Ratingen, Ratingen and poisonous lure Rated-1, Rated-2
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