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Companies Food processing - Kamenka-Bugskaya district (old.)

About company:
Компанія «Соя Тек» виробляє соєву макуху та соєву олію високої якості. Самовивіз продукції можливий у будь яких об`ємах. Надаємо повний пакет документів. Якість макухи відповідає ДСТУ 27149-95. Львівс... More details
Вул. Шевченка 129а

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
ВИДЫ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ, ТОВАРЫ И УСЛУГИ: Выращивание картофеля элитных сертифицированных сортов Пшеница, кукуруза (выращивание) Картофель семенной репродуктивный Морковь Сахарная свекла µ... More details
80441 Львовская обл., Каменка-Бугский р-н, с.Выров, ул.Центральная, 62

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
ВИДЫ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ, ТОВАРЫ И УСЛУГИ: Цукрові буряки Зернові (пшениця, жито, ячмінь) Картопля... More details
80431 Львівська обл., Кам'янка-Бузький р-н, с.Грабовець

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
ВИДЫ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ, ТОВАРЫ И УСЛУГИ: Виготовлення комбікормів та концентратів Приймання, чистка, сушка, зберігання зернових... More details
80400 Львівська обл., м.Кам'янка-Бузька, вул.Шевченка, 129-А

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