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Companies Elevators

About company:
GES (Grain Elevator Software) – програмне забезпечення для автоматизації підприємств елеваторної та зернопереробної галузі. Застосовується на елеваторах, млинах, ОЕЗах, комбікормових заводах. Програмн... More details
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вул. І. Акінфієва 18
About company:
Компанія 3S є визнаним міжнародним постачальником аграрного обладнання і розробником унікальних рішень для різних галузей: Комплекси для сушіння зерна. Автоматизовані системи для відбору проб. Швидкі ... More details
69089, м. Запоріжжя, вул. Пісчана, 3

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
ВИДЫ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ, ТОВАРЫ И УСЛУГИ: Услуги элеватора - хранение, чистка, сушка зерновых культур... More details
41400 Сумская обл., г.Глухов, дорога Рыльская, 1-А

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Certified Elevator. Storage, cleaning, drying, conditioning grains and oilseeds.... More details
68001, вул. Труда, буд. 8, м. Іллічівськ, Одеська обл.
About company:
The company sells agricultural equipment. Equipment for grain processing from leading Ukrainian manufacturers. Sale of grain separators, sale of grain conveyors, sale of grain dryers, sale of grain st... More details

город Харьков, улица Фонвизина 18

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Sonyashnik Zernov... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
74501 Херсонська обл., Великолепетиський р-н, смт.Велика Лепетиха, вул.Леніна, 157
About company:
Receiving, storing, drying, cleaning of grain... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
80700 Львовская обл., г.Золочев, ул.Вокзальная, 31

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Certified Elevator. Storage, cleaning, drying, conditioning grains and oilseeds.... More details
93500, вул. Октябрьська, буд. 42, смт. Новоайдар, Луганська обл.
About company:
Grain processing grain Storage... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
20300 Черкасская обл., г.Умань, ул.Старицкого, 7

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