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- Directory of agricultural enterprises
Catalog of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine
Agricultural machinery and equipment 6080
- Trailers, semi-trailers 3
- Agrofibre, agrofabric, nets, film 44
- Baking, pastry, catering tools and equipment 157
- Beekeeping equipment 9
- Belts and harnesses 27
- Biogas plants 3
- Boilers, tanks 7
- Canning supplies, equipment and accessories 9
- Cereals, flour, feed manufacturing and processing equipment 45
- Chipper and shredder machines 69
- Consumables 85
- Conveyors 36
- Crop technology 1
- Dose measuring devices and measuring equipment 88
- Electric equipment for agricultural machinery 4
- Elevators, equipment for elevators 35
- Equipment for fish farms 1
- Equipment for making alcohol type beverages 38
- Feeding systems 42
- Filtration equipment 36
- Food industry equipment 656
- Equipment for the alcoholic beverage industry 2
- Food processing equipment 3
- Grain elevators 4
- Grain trucks 1
- Greenhouse supplies and equipment 189
- Harvest processing equipment 741
- Equipm. for corn processing 0
- Harvesters, tractors 1145
- Harvesting machinery and equipment 120
- Horticulture and viticulture machinery and equipment 101
- Hygrometers 9
- Irrigation systems 371
- Labeling and marking equipment 39
- Laboratory equipment 127
- Lifting equipment 75
- Line 96
- Livestock breeding tools and equipment 1275
- Cattle equipment 2
- Dairy farm equipment 48
- Equipment for rabbit breeding 1172
- Pig farming equipment 36
- Meat processing solutions and equipment 50
- Milk processing, dairy equipment and ice-cream machines 97
- Milking equipment 47
- Mill equipment and machinery 26
- Mini-tractors and walking tractors 233
- Molds and forms 24
- Ovens 14
- Packaging equipment 504
- Post-harvest processing equipment 106
- Poultry equipment 84
- Presses 21
- Printing equipment 14
- Quality control instruments and equipment 48
- Reapers, scythes, lawn, hay and forage mowing equipment 227
- Refrigeration equipment 182
- Repair and maintenance 683
- Roasting and smoking equipment 13
- Slaughterhouse machinery and cutting equipment 8
- Soil processing equipment 610
- Sowing equipment 299
- Spare parts and components for agricultural machinery 1901
- Bearings, rubber goods, gear motors, etc. 4
- Bodies 6
- Engines 25
- Plow parts 3
- Spare parts for automotive equipment 2
- Spare parts for brake systems 6
- Spare parts for combines 156
- Spare parts for cultivators 4
- Spare parts for deep openers 2
- Spare parts for forage harvesting equipment 1
- Spare parts for harrows 34
- Spare parts for tractors 171
- Tires 278
- Storage equipment 44
- Grain dryers 21
- Heat generators 1
- Strips and straps 82
- Sugar manufacturing equipment 29
- Transporters 68
- Transporting and shipping equipment 17
- Ventilation, heating, cooling, lighting and shading systems 51
- design, manufacture, installation of aspiration systems 1
- Warehouse equipment 2
- Washing equipment 87
- Waste processing equipment 16
- Wood procurement and processing machinery and equipment 30
- Ветеринарное оборудование 45
- Подшипники 2
Agricultural services 6421
- Agricultural facilities management 180
- Analytical services, quality assurance, certification 494
- Automation services 56
- Consulting services 174
- Design and printing 60
- Engineering services 456
- Export and import services 29
- Harvesting 3
- Internet resources 4
- Media and the press 192
- Other services 464
- Repair, assembly, installation, delivery, maintenance 1048
- Research 287
- Software 48
- Storage, drying, shipping 1078
- Technology services 23
- Training 219
- Transporting services 1274
- Grain trucks 1030
- Агромаркетплейс 0
- Агромаркетплейс 0
- Виставкові стенди 2
- Ландшафтний дизайн 8
- Послуги оприскувача 0
- Послуги оприскувача 0
Agriculture packaging and packing 2740
- Barrels, cans, canisters, buckets 72
- Boxes, cardboard packaging 176
- Consumables 253
- Containers 66
- Crates 81
- Food products packaging and packing 164
- Glue 58
- Jars, bottles, flasks, thermoses 58
- Labels 706
- Lids 47
- Metal 19
- Packaging design 4
- Packaging labels printing 127
- Packaging materials 1079
- Packets 352
- Pallets 89
- Paper, cardboard, film 698
- Plastic products 96
- Sacks 187
- Sausage casing 31
- Trays 7
- Water containers 13
- Wooden packaging 43
Agrochemistry, bioprotection, stimulants, disinfection 2837
- Animal care products 1
- Animal feed and feed additives 734
- Detergents and disinfectant 243
- Fertilizers, soils 988
- Bacterial fertilizers 5
- Fertilizer production 5
- Microfertilizers 71
- Mineral fertilizers 84
- Organic microfertilizers and biological szr 4
- Plant growth stimulants 793
- Plant protection products 1251
- PVA and derivatives 1
- Veterinary products 276
Food processing 2579
- Bran, press/oil cake, sugar beet pulp, molasses, maltodextrin, waste 773
- Casein producers 16
- Corn processing 18
- Fish 15
- Fodder 38
- Meat production 50
- Oilseed products 4
- Production of honey 600
- Production of milk and dairy products 1
- Production of cheeses 1
- Sugar producers 432
- Wine production 57
- Wood processing 11
- Wool, hides 9
- Зернопереработка 10
- Паливні гранули 32
Horticulture 51720
- Cereal 43473
- Barley 18594
- Buckwheat 872
- Fig 3758
- Millet 712
- Oat 2185
- Rye 1830
- Wheat 20444
- Corn 10965
- Floriculture 353
- Forages 113
- Fruits, berries, nuts 1930
- Apples 337
- Apricot 40
- Cherry 39
- Nut 48
- Peaches 54
- Pear 80
- Plums 77
- Raspberry 66
- Strawberry 68
- Sweet cherry 62
- Grapes 525
- Houseplants 1
- Industrial crop 1853
- Leguminous crops 17930
- Beans 7
- Chickpeas 104
- Haricot 28
- Lentil 1
- Peas 1950
- Soybean 4210
- Mushrooms 198
- Oleaginous plants and fines herbes 31073
- Lemandy 0
- Linen 733
- Mustard 1639
- Peanut 0
- Perilla 0
- Poppy 9
- Rape 12835
- Redhead 0
- Ricina 0
- Safflower 0
- Sesame 0
- Sunflower 20903
- Olericulture 2161
- Cabbage 254
- Carrot 210
- Cucumbers 96
- Eggplant 24
- Onion 139
- Pepper 37
- Tomatoes 231
- Zucchini 17
- Plants for landscape design 13
- Potatoes, common beets, beets 2336
- Seedlings 1461
- Seeds 5943
- Tea, coffee, cocoa 0
- Watermelon, muskmelon, pumpkin 491
- Декоративні рослини 1124