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About company:
LTD "Company League" is the official distributor of TM Agip, ENI Italian group ENI SpA on the territory of Ukraine. ENI S. p.A. Is a complete production cycle from extraction of oil (1.6 million barrels per day), and create formulas in their research laboratories to the production of motor and industrial oils, additives and other lubricants. Our company for over 12 years, imports and sells in Ukraine the widest range of oils, greases and specialty fluids for the needs of any production, any kind of transport, and any special equipment, directly from the manufacturer, allowing us to provide our clients with the most beneficial prices for the goods are guaranteed of the highest quality. LTD "Company League" offers Ukrainian clients lubricants and special liquids of European quality at reasonable prices.
пр-т Металлургов, 105
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