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About company:
OOO «Tandem LTD” is one of veduchikh enterprises of Ukraine for production of woven polypropylene packaging.
the company performs the complete production cycle: from raw pellets to the finished product.
the Company was founded in 1993. Intensive development of production associated with the acquisition of innovative equipment of the Austrian company “Starlinger” for the manufacture of polypropylene packaging. Currently, under the brand name “Kilpauk’S” the company produces a variety of products, which is of great demand among domestic and foreign customers.
the Range is quite large: from simple bags of flour and sugar to complex structures of containers “big bag” and laminirovanie packing.

optional and the customer's requirements the bags can be varied: open and valve, flat and koroblenie, perforated or, on the contrary, was an ultra-reliable protection from moisture. In addition, the bags can have different colors and multicolor flexographic printing.
Additional details (products, services):
03680 г.Киев, ул.Казачья, 120/4
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