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  • 23.07.2020
  • Item Number: 19


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transport (exterior, interior decoration)

refueling de.barrier and de.kilimkiv


containers, containers


hatching eggs





Disinfection Frequency:


forced to

The effect of the drug:

antimicrobial: gram-negative and gram-positive microflora (including spore-forming forms)

Virucidal: DNA and RNA containing viruses;

antiprotozoal: acts against coccidia;

fungicidal: Aspergillus fumigatus, mold, etc.

acts against yeast.


Type / Object Working Solution

(Prevention / Vymushev.) Consumption p / Exposition

moisture disinfection

Prevention of bacta.: 0.1-0.25%

Viral.: 0.3-0.5%

fungal.: 1% 0.1-0.3 l / m2 30 min

Forced 0.5 0.25-0.4 l / m2 60 min

Hatching eggs 0.1 1-2 ml / egg 2 min

Transport, feed trucks 0.1-0.5 0.2-0.5 l / m2 10-15 min

Containers 0.2-0.5 0.2-0.5 l / m2 10-15 min

Foam disinfection *

Room 0.1-0.3 0.2 l / m2 do not flush

Transport, feed trucks 0.1-0.5 0.2 l / m2 do not flush

Do not flush containers 0.2-0.5 0.2 l / m2

Aerosol disinfection **

Transport, feed trucks May 10 ml / m3 from 15 min.

Premises 10 UAH 2 ml / m3 60-120 min

Hatching eggs May 5 ml / m3 30 min

Refueling deskilimki and desbarriers: 0.3-0.5% g / g.

* Does not require rinsing, forms a protective film on the surface

** Disinfection with hot fog generators

For preventive disinfection by wiping, irrigation with infectious diseases of bacterial etiology, use:

For smooth surfaces (tile, plastic, metal) 0.1% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 100-150 ml / m2. Exposure 30 minutes.

For porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood): 0.1 - 0.25% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 200-300 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For the treatment of vehicles, feed trucks, containers: 0.1 - 0.25% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 200-300 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

To fill the barriers from 0.3% aqueous solution, if necessary. Exposure - Top up as it dries. In the cold season, to prevent freezing, add antifreeze or table salt to the working solution.

For preventive disinfection by wiping, irrigation for diseases of viral etiology, a 0.3 - 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent is used at a rate of 200 - 400 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For prophylactic disinfection by irrigation with fungal infections, an aqueous 1% aqueous solution of the agent is used with a flow rate of 250-300 ml / m2 and an exposure of 60 minutes.

For prophylactic disinfection by foaming in case of infectious diseases of bacterial etiology:

after preliminary mechanical cleaning and washing of surfaces and equipment, use:

For smooth surfaces: (tile, plastic, metal) 0.1% aqueous solution of the product at the rate of 100 - 150 ml / m2. Exposure 30 minutes.

For porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood): 0.1 - 0.25% aqueous solution of the product at the rate of 100 - 150 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For the processing of vehicles, feed trucks, containers: 0.1 - 0.25% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 100 - 150 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For prophylactic disinfection using the foaming method for diseases of viral etiology, a 0.3% aqueous solution of the agent is used at a rate of 200 - 400 ml / m2. Exposure 60 minutes.

For prophylactic disinfection using the foaming method for fungal infections, an aqueous 1% aqueous solution of the agent is used at a flow rate of 150-200 ml / m2 and an exposure of 60 minutes.

For forced disinfection (current and final) by wiping, irrigation with infectious diseases of bacterial etiology:

after preliminary mechanical cleaning and washing of surfaces and equipment, use:

For smooth surfaces (tile, plastic, metal): 0.2 - 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 150-250 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood): 0.2 - 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 200-400 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For processing vehicles, feed trucks, containers 0.2 - 0, -% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 200-400 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

To fill the barriers from 0.5% aqueous solution, if necessary. Exposure - Top up as it dries. In the cold season, to prevent freezing, add antifreeze or table salt to the working solution.

For forced disinfection (current and final) by wiping, irrigation with diseases of viral etiology, a 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent is used at the rate of 200 - 400 ml / m2. Exposure time is 30 minutes.

For forced disinfection (current and final) by wiping, irrigation with fungal infections, use aqueous 1.0% -aqueous solutions of the drug at a normal rate 150-200 ml / m2 and exposure time 60 min.

For forced disinfection (current and final) by wiping, irrigation with infectious diseases of bacterial etiology:

after preliminary mechanical cleaning and washing of surfaces and equipment, use:

For smooth surfaces (tile, plastic, metal): 0.2 - 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 150-250 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood): 0.2 - 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 200-400 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For processing vehicles, feed trucks, containers 0.2 - 0, -% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 200-400 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

To fill the barriers from 0.5% aqueous solution, if necessary. Exposure - Top up as it dries. In the cold season, to prevent freezing, add antifreeze or table salt to the working solution.

For forced disinfection (current and final) by wiping, irrigation with diseases of viral etiology, a 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent is used at the rate of 200 - 400 ml / m2. Exposure time is 30 minutes.

For forced disinfection (current and final) by wiping, irrigation with fungal infections, aqueous 1.0% -aqueous solutions of the agent are used at a flow rate of 200 - 400 ml / m2 and exposure time is 60 minutes.

For forced disinfection (current and final) using the foaming method for infectious diseases of bacterial etiology:

after preliminary mechanical cleaning and washing of surfaces and equipment, use:

For smooth surfaces (tile, plastic, metal): 0.2 - 0.5% aqueous solution of the product at the rate of 100 - 200 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood): 0.2 - 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 150 - 300 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For the treatment of vehicles, feed trucks, containers: 0.2 - 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 150 - 300 ml / m2. Exposure: 60 to 30 minutes, respectively.

For forced disinfection (current and final) by the foaming method for diseases of viral etiology, a 0.5% aqueous solution of the agent is used at the rate of 150 - 300 ml / m2. Exposure 30 minutes.

For forced disinfection (current and final) by the method of foaming with fungal infections, aqueous 1% aqueous solutions of the agent are used at a flow rate of 150 - 300 ml / m2 and an exposure of 60 minutes.

Disinfection of livestock buildings for infectious diseases caused by spore-forming microorganisms by wiping, irrigation or foam of the genus Bacillus, in particular, anthrax pathogen, is carried out with a 2% aqueous solution of the agent at a rate of 0.5 - 1.0 l per 1 m2 with an exposure of 2 hours. Or 3 % aqueous solution of the agent at the rate of 0.5 - 1.0 L per 1 m2 with an exposure of 1 hour

Disinfection of livestock buildings with tuberculosis by wiping, irrigation or foam using a 2% aqueous solution of the product with exposure for 24 hours at the rate of 0.5 - 1 liter of working solution per 1 m2 of surface.


Working solution of the drug:

suitable for use within 7-10 days

resistant to direct sunlight

retain their activity in hard water

remain active in the presence of organic contaminants (residues of feed, manure, etc.)

are used at temperatures from + 4 ° С to + 60 ° С (they can withstand a short-term temperature increase up to + 80 ° С) when applied by aerosol method using warm fog generators)

environmentally friendly and after use are gradually destroyed by environmental factors

Before disinfection, mechanical cleaning of the premises is carried out in accordance with the current instruction: "Instructions for the veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities", approved by the General Directorate of Veterinary of the USSR State Agricultural Committee on August 25, 1988.

Increasing the temperature of working solutions enhances their antimicrobial and detergent properties. After processing the premises must be aired.

For disinfection use aqueous solutions of the product. Disinfection is carried out after thorough mechanical and sanitary cleaning of the surfaces of disinfection objects.


The tool and its working solutions have a washing effect; incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, anionic surfactants and soap; compatible with caustic and soda ash.




Quaternary ammonium compounds

polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride



The total share of active substances: not less than 41%


Transparent reddish-brown liquid with a slight specific odor.


Persons under 18 years old are not allowed to work with the product.

When working with the product and its solutions, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment (goggles, universal respirator brand RU-60, RPG-67 with brand B cartridge, gloves made of PVC). Preparation of working solutions should be carried out in a ventilated room where there is water.

If the product gets into the eyes, they are washed with plenty of water and instilled with a 33% solution of sodium sulfacyl (albucide), for pain - 1-2% solution of novocaine. In case of accidental contact with the skin, thoroughly rinse the affected area with running water, then lubricate the skin with a softening cream.

In case of accidental ingestion of the product in the stomach, it is necessary to give the victim a few glasses of water with 10-20 crushed tablets of activated carbon to drink and consult a doctor. It is forbidden to smoke, drink, eat food during disinfection. After finishing work, wash your face and hands with soap and water.


Store in a dry, dark room at temperatures from 0 ° C to + 30 ° C. Avoid direct sunlight.

Working solutions of the product do not lose activity for 7-10 days, provided that they are stored in closed containers.


36 months from the date of production.

See all information
  • 0503704**-** show number

Kyiv region - Kyiv

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