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71.5 million tons of the new crop were collected in Ukraine

71.5 million tons of the new crop were collected in Ukraine

As of November 9, farmers have already threshed 71.5 million tons of the new harvest, of which 51 million 274.5 thousand tons of grain and 20 million 239 thousand tons of oil crops. So far, grain and leguminous crops have been harvested on an area of 9,840,000 hectares (90% of the forecast) with a yield of 5.2 tons per hectare. It should be noted that USDA experts have left unchanged their forecast for the wheat harvest in Ukraine in the 2023/24 marketing year — 22.5 million tons. The estimate of exports increased to 12 million tons, and analysts lowered the forecast of final stocks to 3.08 million tons.

It should be noted that the export of agricultural products under the new rules will begin on November 11. Currently, the first orders on the inclusion of agricultural enterprises in the verified lists of exporters have already been approved. According to the Minister of Agricultural Policy Mykola Solskyi, three orders "On inclusion in the list of verified entities of the agro-industrial complex that export goods" have been approved so far. A total of 735 enterprises are registered. You can familiarize yourself with the relevant orders by following the link. In turn, First Deputy Minister Taras Vysotskyi reported that since November 6, more than a thousand applications from farmers for inclusion in the list of verified exporters have already been received.

It will be recalled that on October 31, the Cabinet of Ministers published Resolution No. 1132, which aims to prepare for the introduction of new rules for grain export. The resolution currently only regulates the formation of the list of verified subjects of the agro-industrial complex. That is, it actually predicts which companies will be subject to the new export and VAT refund rules in the future.