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Цьогорічний врожай ранніх зернових складе до 27 млн тонн This year's early grain harvest will reach 27 million tons

Цьогорічний врожай ранніх зернових складе до 27 млн тонн   This year's early grain harvest will reach 27 million tons

This year, the harvest of grain crops of the early group in Ukraine will reach about 27 million tons. As Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotskyi said on the air of the Yedyni Novyni telethon, "the equator for harvesting early grains has been passed."

According to him, there are "certain adjustments by region". In particular, in the south-eastern regions, due to the heat, the yield decreased slightly, and in the western regions - it was higher than expected. In general, the results for early cereals correspond to the forecast. He also added that, according to a preliminary estimate, this season's export potential for grain crops is forecast to be 40-43 million tons. At the same time, as the government official noted, there are a number of groups of goods for which the European Union can apply restrictions. Thus, the level of customs duty on the export of sugar exceeds 400 EUR/t, which does not allow it to be competitive on the European market. For honey producers, this trend is also negative, although it allows them to be competitive.

We will remind you that this year the harvest began with barley, peas and wheat. These are early cereals and pulses and their production is expected to reach a total of 56 million tonnes during the campaign. It is also planned to collect more than 20 million tons of oil crops. This is a preliminary forecast, so the exact figure will be known later.

Currently, the harvest of early grain crops continues. More than 19 million tons of grain and more than 3 million tons of oilseeds have already been collected. In total, more than 5,871.9 thousand hectares were threshed, 22,324.6 million tons of the new crop were threshed.