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Export of honey this year brought Ukraine 90 million dollars

Export of honey this year brought Ukraine 90 million dollars

During the first half of the year, Ukraine exported 48,000 tons of honey. According to the Ukrainian Agricultural Export Association, this is 95% more than in the corresponding period of 2023. It is noted that foreign exchange earnings from the supply of these products to international markets amounted to more than $91 million, which is 52% more than last year's figure. At the same time, the association called another decrease in the price, which averages this year at $1,900 per ton, as an unfavorable factor for the sweet product.

It should be noted that Ukrainian beekeepers export about 50-55 thousand tons of honey every year and fulfill all their obligations to the countries of the European Union, despite the fact that the country has been living under martial law for the third year in a row. As Olena Dadus, head of the Department of Livestock and Breeding Affairs of the Department of Agrarian Development of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, said, today there are 12 producers and companies supplying honey in Ukraine that have permission to export products to the countries of the European Union, but their list can be expanded. For this purpose, all interested persons can contact the regulatory authorities, confirm the quality of the product and obtain the appropriate permits. Olena Dadus also noted that it is still too early to make predictions about this year's honey harvest, as heat and drought can affect the indicators.

Note that the European Union may impose tariffs on Ukrainian honey. As European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski said, Ukraine chooses the limits of tariff-free trade with the EU. This means that Ukraine will soon reach the maximum limit in tariff-free trade with the EU in honey, as well as corn and chicken. Currently, the export of honey has already reached 89 percent of the limits, corn - 67 percent, and chicken - 59 percent.