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Germany and Poland have become the main buyers of ice cream exported by Ukraine

Germany and Poland have become the main buyers of ice cream exported by Ukraine

During August, Ukrainian producers exported almost 1.4 thousand tons of ice cream. This indicator is 27% less than the volume of the previous month, but 16% more compared to August 2023. About 27% of the goods were shipped to Germany, 24% to Poland.

As reported by the Association of Milk Producers, the total monetary revenue for the delivered product amounted to $4.55 million, which is 20% less compared to July of this year and 16% more compared to August 2023.

We would like to add that 16% of the goods were shipped to Moldova, 11% to Israel and 4% to the Czech Republic. In general, in January - August 2024, Ukraine increased its ice cream export to 10.67 thousand tons (+22%), and the monetary revenue for the shipped product increased to $35.14 million (+23%).

Currently, 51 Ukrainian producers can export dairy products to the EU, and 8 ice cream producers and 43 enterprises that manufacture other dairy products have permits to export products produced from Ukraine to the European Union. Currently, Ukraine consistently implements EU legislation, including sectoral legislation, and implements the best European practices in agricultural production and processing of agricultural raw materials. This also applies to the standards of quality and safety of dairy products. Hopes that such enterprises will become more and more are based on the simplification of certification procedures and state supervision and control in terms of safety and quality of products of the dairy sector. And Ukrainian dairy products have already been appreciated by the neighbors.

For example, as reported by the Association of Milk Producers, over the last month, natural volumes of exports increased by 8%, and monetary income increased by 1%. Compared to April 2023, the natural volumes of butter exports decreased by 91%, and the monetary income decreased by 64%. About 49% of the exported oil went to Moldova, 17% to Azerbaijan, and 11% to Bulgaria. At the same time, natural volumes of cheese exports in April amounted to 1.05 thousand tons, which is 17% more compared to March of this year and 51% more than last April. Cash revenue for exported cheese amounted to $4.17 million, which is 5% more than in March of the current year and 46% more than in April 2023. About 47% of exported cheeses were sent to Moldova, 21% to Germany, 19% to Kazakhstan. Ukraine exports most of its dairy products to Poland. In 2022, 63% of dairy products from the total volume of exports were exported there, last year - 51%. In addition to Poland, significant volumes are sold to the Balkans and Romania. Finished dairy products are also exported to Germany and the Baltic countries in small quantities.

In general, during the last two years, the export of Ukrainian dairy products has been gradually increasing. Markets for the supply of dairy products are also expanding. Currently, the European Parliament has decided to extend the autonomous trade regime with Ukraine for another year. This means that after the final approval of this decision by the Council of the EU, the Ukrainian dairy business will be able to continue exporting products to the EU without restrictions. Ukrainian dairy products are also exported to Canada, Central Asia and Africa. Therefore, it is important to stimulate the production of milk for its further processing. In particular, the government provides support for processing enterprises - the "5-7-9% Available Loans" program, according to which producers can receive a loan of up to UAH 150 million.

In Europe, they love any dairy products from Ukraine. For example, the volume of ice cream exports from Ukraine in April of this year amounted to 1.61 thousand tons, which is 35% more compared to March 2024 and 49% more compared to April 2023. Cash revenue for the product amounted to $4.76 million, which is 25% more compared to the previous month and 52% more compared to April 2023. About 31% of the goods were shipped to Germany, 23% to Moldova, and 13% to Poland.

By the way, one of the largest manufacturers of frozen products in Ukraine - "Three Bears" - purchased the company Nordis, which owns a factory for the production of semi-finished products and ice cream in Poland. Currently, the Ukrainian company plans to invest in the development of production in Poland. At the same time, the capacity of the Polish plant is currently half of the Ukrainian production.