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In Ukraine the purchase of land has been simplified

In Ukraine the purchase of land has been simplified

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Improvement of Legal Regulation of Notarial and Registration Acts Upon Acquisition of Rights to Land Plots."

As reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the law provides for the clarification of the right of the owner of a plot of land, who owns it on the basis of the right of trust ownership, the introduction of the norm of checking the maximum area of the purchaser of agricultural land, which is taken into account in the joint ownership of the land plot by only one of the spouses , according to which the right of ownership and restrictions on inspections are registered when acquiring ownership of agricultural land plots for certain types of purpose. The document also improves the regulation of the pre-emptive right to purchase an agricultural plot of land.

It should be noted that the law also provides for the mandatory indication of the value of land plots, which is aimed at improving the interaction between the State Register of Real Property Rights and the State Land Cadastre.

As Oleksandr Haydu, head of the agrarian committee of the Verkhovna Rada, noted, it will be easier to buy and sell small plots of land - up to 25 hectares for gardening and up to 2 hectares for personal farming - within the settlement.

"The draft law cancels the notary check, which costs more than UAH 10,000 and takes up to a month. This is a significant saving for Ukrainians. But when it comes to large tracts of land, there should be a detailed check, which remains," the parliamentarian emphasized.