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Licensing for alcoholic beverage producers will be simplified in Ukraine

Licensing for alcoholic beverage producers will be simplified in Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decision that should stimulate the development of the spirits and distillates market. As reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the government adopted the relevant Resolution No. 56 on January 19. The document approved the form of the declaration of compliance of the material and technical base of small distillate productions with the requirements of the legislation. The resolution also provided for the procedure for registration and submission of the corresponding declaration.

The document was developed in the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. According to the authors, the implementation of the resolution will make it possible to submit a declaration of conformity of the material and technical base of small distillate productions to the requirements of the legislation to the territorial bodies of the Dezhprodspozhivsluzhba.

It is planned that producers will also be able to submit, instead of a production certificate, a declaration registered by the State Production and Consumer Service of compliance of the material and technical base of small distillate productions with the requirements of the law in order to obtain licenses for the production of alcoholic distillates and alcoholic beverages. Currently, the developers of the document claim that this approach will significantly simplify the mechanism of obtaining relevant licenses. Also, the document should ensure the development of the alcoholic beverages market and stimulate the legalization of small businesses, creating jobs for Ukrainians.