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Most of the new grain harvest in Ukraine has already been gathered – farmers have started the autumn sowing

Most of the new grain harvest in Ukraine has already been gathered – farmers have started the autumn sowing

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, as of September 7, farmers have harvested more than half of the planned volume of grain and leguminous crops. In particular, of the 6.957 million hectares, the harvest has been collected over 63% of the planned area. The total grain harvest is estimated at 29.309 million tons with an average yield of 41.9 quintals per hectare. 

It is worth noting that the harvest of wheat and barley is proceeding most successfully. The wheat harvest has been completed on 100% of the planned area, and the yield reached 45.4 quintals per hectare. Barley has also been fully harvested with an average yield of 39.2 quintals per hectare. Currently, the harvesting of corn, buckwheat, and millet is ongoing, as well as oilseeds and sugar beets.

In addition, domestic farmers have begun the autumn sowing and have already sown 484.1 thousand hectares. They are planting winter grain crops and rapeseed. However, the weather conditions during this year's pre-sowing period in Ukraine have proven to be quite challenging for obtaining crops of winter grains if sown relatively early, which is inadvisable and may lead to thinning of the crops, and in some cases, the need for reseeding. In recent years, dry conditions across most of Ukraine’s territory at the end of summer have been noted almost consistently, which does not prevent the cultivation of significant harvests of winter grain crops.