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NAAS forecast: this year the gross harvest of grain may decrease by 37%

NAAS forecast: this year the gross harvest of grain may decrease by 37%

The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences predicts the gross harvest of oil and grain crops at the level of 53.3 million tons. According to experts, this is due to a 45% reduction in cultivated areas. In particular, the gross harvest of grain is forecast at 34 million tons.

This figure is 37% less than in 2022 and 60% less than in 2021. Experts forecast the harvest of oil crops at the level of 19.3 million tons, which is 13% less than in 2022 and 15% less than the 2021. 

Experts explain the low yield by the reduction of cultivated areas, a decrease in yield and a change in the structure of crops. In fact, according to preliminary estimates, in 2023, the area under grain crops will decrease by 45%. Therefore, the expected level of productivity may decrease by 15-30% compared to the average productivity of previous years.

The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences also reminded that the efficiency of land use is one of the main factors affecting the development of agricultural production. Therefore, experts have already recommended that farmers do everything necessary to reproduce the fertility of black soils.