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Reclamation system of Ukraine worn out by 85%

Reclamation system of Ukraine worn out by 85%

As of today, the reclamation system of Ukraine has been destroyed by 85%. This was stated by the director of the USAID Agro Program, Ksenia Sidorkina. She reminded that the reclamation reform initiated by the USAID Agro Program aims not only to rebuild old irrigation systems, but also to equip new ones in those regions of Ukraine that did not need it before.

For example, in Cherkasy Oblast, approximately 23,000 hectares of land are under irrigation today, but the region seeks to increase the volume. As noted by the head of the Cherkasy Regional Military Administration Igor Taburets, today there are 15 organizations of water users in the region that cooperate with each other and use all the tools to manage water efficiently. After all, such challenges as war, abnormal weather can be regulated by effective management, taking into account all factors.

Overall, the USAID Agro program supports land reclamation reform in Ukraine and has already provided modernization grants to four water user organizations. During the second wave of support, the program was opened for another 14 UECs, of which the first six are already ready for work. In general, thanks to grant support, irrigation will be restored on 7 thousand hectares in Ukraine. According to Serhii Kubakh, the head of the land reform area of ​​the USAID Agro Program, financing was received by the Persha (Cherkasy region), Voda Zhytya (Odesa region), Kvituchi Lany (Poltava region) and Strong Voda (Poltava region). » (Kyiv region). In turn, acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Taras Vysotskyi, for the state, the development of reclamation is also a priority, because it is a tool for farmers to increase the profitability of their farms. Therefore, 200 million hryvnias have been allocated from the state budget for the reclamation reform this year. Compensation provides for up to 50% of the cost of restoration and construction of reclamation systems or 26,000 hryvnias per hectare of cultivated land on which hydrotechnical reclamation is carried out, excluding the cost of sprinklers. This is an important direction, because it provides farmers with diversification of production, reduction of risks and dependence on weather factors.

Let's add that, according to Serhii Kubakh, the reclamation reform is currently hampered by the pending issue of transferring the reclamation systems into the ownership of water user organizations. He noted that two ministers and the government cannot solve this situation.