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Сільськогосподарські угоддя додали у вартості 20% Agricultural land added 20% in value

Сільськогосподарські угоддя додали у вартості 20%  Agricultural land added 20% in value

The Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine for Digitization Denys Bashlyk reported that for the period from January to April 2023, the price of buying and selling agricultural land in Ukraine increased by 20% on average.

According to media reports, since the beginning of the year, about 13,000 transactions involving the purchase and sale of agricultural land have taken place. The deputy minister added that in Lviv Oblast, the average price of one hectare of agricultural land at the beginning of May 2023 was about UAH 162,000. At the time of market opening, this figure reached UAH 51,000. In the Kyiv region, the price of a hectare of land during this time rose to UAH 148,000, instead of the previous UAH 48,000. In the Chernihiv region, UAH 23,000 is being asked for one hectare of land

"Even if we remove the inflation factor, we see that price growth continues. But there is no such growth in the regions located close to hostilities. In 2021, 66,000 land purchase and sale agreements were concluded in Ukraine for a total area of 153,000 hectares. In 2022, there were 53,000 such deals, while the market actually did not work for almost half a year due to restrictions on access to registers," said Denys Bashlyk.

We would like to remind you that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Legal Regulation of Notarial and Registration Acts Upon Acquisition of Rights to Land Plots." As reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the law provides for the clarification of the right of the owner of a plot of land, who owns it on the basis of the right of trust ownership, the introduction of the norm of checking the maximum area of the purchaser of agricultural land, which is taken into account in the joint ownership of the land plot by only one of the spouses , according to which the right of ownership and restrictions on inspections are registered when acquiring ownership of agricultural land plots for certain types of purpose. The document also improves the regulation of the pre-emptive right to purchase an agricultural plot of land. It should be noted that the law also provides for the mandatory indication of the value of land plots, which is aimed at improving the interaction between the State Register of Real Property Rights and the State Land Cadastre.