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The list of Ukrainian agricultural machinery eligible for cost reimbursement now exceeds 11,000 items

The list of Ukrainian agricultural machinery eligible for cost reimbursement now exceeds 11,000 items

The catalogue of agricultural machinery and equipment produced in Ukraine, for which 25% of the cost is partially reimbursed by the government, has been expanded to 11,300 units from 121 Ukrainian manufacturers. According to the press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the partial reimbursement programme for agricultural machinery from Ukrainian producers is continuously being expanded. This supports the successful conduct of sowing campaigns and stimulates the development of equipment production in Ukraine. A total of 1 billion UAH has been allocated for the programme this year.

The Ministry also reminded that to receive reimbursement, farmers need to choose a supplier from the official list on the Ministry of Economy's website, purchase the necessary equipment, and submit an application along with supporting documents to an authorised bank. It is known that as of now, authorised banks have already paid Ukrainian farmers 90.9 million UAH following the first three months (April-June) of the programme's operation. Specifically, in April, three farmers received a total of over 220,000 UAH in reimbursements; in May, 93 farmers received more than 18.6 million UAH; in June, 204 farmers received nearly 72.2 million UAH. In total, over three months of the programme's operation, 300 agricultural enterprises purchased 460 units of Ukrainian-made machinery and equipment worth 435.5 million UAH.

Government officials note that the programme is already highly popular among farmers and Ukrainian manufacturers, demonstrating real results. The agricultural sector of Ukraine has suffered losses exceeding $11 billion in just over two years since the onset of the large-scale Russian invasion, and this figure continues to rise. A significant portion of these losses is attributed to the destruction or theft of agricultural machinery. In particular, elevator equipment has been destroyed, as well as the grain stored within, which has either been destroyed or stolen.

A smaller yet significant portion of the damages is attributed to the destruction of perennial orchards. Currently, all losses are being documented in the International Register of Damages, so it is essential to hold the aggressor country accountable for covering all the harm inflicted on Ukraine. Government officials stress that supporting agricultural production and processing is one of the main priorities of the "Made in Ukraine" policy announced six months ago. This includes both new mechanisms to support agricultural producers and the continuation of the most effective tools initiated under other government programmes, including "Affordable Loans at 5-7-9%."