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The number of women managers of agricultural enterprises has increased in Ukraine

The number of women managers of agricultural enterprises has increased in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the number of women managing agricultural enterprises is increasing. Therefore, in the conditions of war, helping them is a big deal. As Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy Lyudmila Shemelinets said, congratulating the winners of the "Made by Women" competition, during the war women had to become much stronger, and this especially applies to the agricultural sector, because usually more men worked in the agricultural sector.

This year, among the winners of the competition were leaders who work in the field of agribusiness, in particular, Nataliya Olshanska, an entrepreneur and co-founder of a family company for the production of natural dogwood products. Another winner who works in the agricultural sector, Ivanna Bilous, is the founder of the craft seed store.

We will remind that recently the president of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, Leonid Kozachenko, in an exclusive comment for, emphasized that due to mobilization in the agricultural sector, there is a shortage of specialists directly involved in harvesting. In total, there is currently a shortage of approximately 3 million workers. In particular, Leonid Kozachenko reported that the situation is most difficult with tractor drivers, combine harvesters, and agronomists. According to the expert, earlier this segment also had the most vacancies, but now the indicator has reached 160 vacancies per specialist. For comparison, before the start of the full-scale war, this figure was 14-16 vacancies per person. The deficit increased more than tenfold. Leonid Kozachenko estimated that the shortage of workers in the agricultural sector after the beginning of the war reached 3 million people and hiring women cannot correct the situation. In general, the shortage of personnel in Ukraine has already reached a historic level, and the number of open vacancies posted on personnel portals has reached a record high. As analysts note, there are more job offers on the market than before the full-scale war, and there are significantly fewer job seekers.

For reference: The competition "Created by women" was launched by the Franco-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFU) and around one hundred and forty French companies operating in Ukraine united around this initiative. The competition is being held for the sixth consecutive year. Women entrepreneurs whose businesses are already operating in any sector of the economy can apply for participation. The number of participants in this year's competition was a record - 425 applications, 10 of which were selected by the jury for the finals. The winners received funds for business development and support of the competition's partner companies.