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The second stage of land reform has begun in Ukraine

The second stage of land reform has begun in Ukraine

From January 1, 2024, the second stage of land reform began in Ukraine. According to the norms of the current legislation, it provides, in particular, an increase in the maximum size of the plot for purchase from 100 hectares to 10,000 hectares. In addition, now not only individuals, but also legal entities will be able to buy land.

We will remind that at the end of 2023, a petition was registered by the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council to postpone until the end of the war the increase in the maximum area of agricultural land "in the same hands" from 100 hectares to 10,000 hectares. The specified petition gathered the necessary 25,000 signatures for its consideration by the President of Ukraine, who instructed the head of government to consider this issue. But until now, no decisions of the CMU in this regard have been reported.

It should be noted that the land reform will also have a third stage, which involves the opening of the market for foreign individuals and legal entities. But the decision on this must be approved at the all-Ukrainian referendum, which cannot be held under martial law.

It is worth noting that since the opening of the land market in Ukraine (from July 1, 2021) only 1% of land was sold, of which 99.5% remained in agricultural production. It is also noted that since the beginning of 2023, the weighted average price for land in Ukraine has increased by 10.4%, up to UAH 38.5 thousand per hectare.