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The Ukrainian land cadastre is being modernized to the European standard

The Ukrainian land cadastre is being modernized to the European standard

The State Land Cadastre came to the conclusion that the existing automatic system needs to be modernized for further efficient operation of the cadastre, compliance with the requirements of the legislation and satisfaction of the country's needs for high-quality geo- and cartographic data.

During the study, specialists who conducted an independent technical assessment of the system analyzed the key components of the automatic system, its functionality, security, available resources, and the management structure of the development and technical support processes. Currently, it is planned to create a joint working group of the State Geocadastre with the participation of national and international experts, as well as to continue cooperation with international partners. The group's work is aimed at supporting the transformation and meeting urgent needs for updating and servicing critical equipment.

"We understand the responsibility of the State Geocadastre for the preservation and filling of data, especially now, when the paper archives of land documentation in many territories have been destroyed due to Russia's unprovoked aggression against our state", - emphasized the Acting Director. head of the State Geocadaster Serhiy Zavads.

In his opinion, for the effective development and recovery of the country and integration into the EU, "a European-level land cadastre is needed."

"To implement this task, we will need all possible support - from the Parliament, the Government, domestic experts, the public and international organizations. Therefore, we have planned a series of meetings and consultations to develop a detailed transformation plan," the official said.