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Ukraine imports three times more cheese than it exports - domestic consumption has decreased

Ukraine imports three times more cheese than it exports - domestic consumption has decreased

Since the beginning of the current year, Ukraine imported 16.8 thousand tons of cheese, which is 6.3% more than in the same period last year. According to the State Customs Service, in monetary terms, the import of cheeses in the first half of the year rose by 4.7% compared to the same period in 2023, and reached $99.3 million. Cheeses were imported to Ukraine mainly from Poland (38.6%). Germany (20.1%), the Netherlands (10.5%).

During the first half of the current year, the export of Ukrainian cheeses increased by 41% - up to 5.5 thousand tons. And in monetary terms, exports increased by 29.2%, how to compare with the same period of 2023, ? up to $23.9 million. The largest buyers of domestic cheeses in January-June 2024 were Kazakhstan (34.1%), Moldova (33%), and Germany (11.2%).

In general, the consumption of cheese in Ukraine has decreased. After all, in the heat that has now engulfed Ukraine, the consumption of cheeses has dropped significantly. In addition, due to the lack of electricity for long hours, Ukrainian consumers significantly reduced the amount of one-time purchases of perishable products, which includes cheese. Despite the increase in the cost of production, cheese makers have not yet dared to raise the cost of their products. But relevant work with networks and distributors is already underway. Most likely, there will be a massive price increase at the end of summer. At the same time, imported cheese on the counters of many chains is no less than domestic, although its purchases, contrary to expectations, are not growing. Yes, EU suppliers are becoming less interested in delivering cheese to Ukraine.