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Ukrainian chicken will enter the markets of Asia

Ukrainian chicken will enter the markets of Asia

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine Matsuda Kuninori, during a meeting with Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotsky, emphasized that his country is considering the possibility of opening Asian markets for Ukrainian agricultural products, in particular for chicken.

According to the Ukrainian side, the opening of Asian markets for Ukrainian agricultural products is an important step for the development of bilateral relations and business. At the same time, Japanese advanced technologies allow the implementation of effective solutions for the cultivation of various types of agricultural products. Partnership with Japanese companies for the application of these technologies in Ukraine will help increase the yield of fruits and vegetables. After all, Japanese companies have developed a number of advanced technologies for the effective cultivation of various types of agricultural products in various difficult climatic conditions. And for Ukraine, as one of the leaders in ensuring global food security, it is important to establish partnership and cooperation with Japanese entrepreneurs in order to increase the yield of products grown in greenhouses.

It should be noted that Japan systematically helps Ukraine - in March of this year, the state budget of Ukraine received a loan in the amount of $230 million from the Japanese government as part of the World Bank project "Emergency project of providing inclusive support for the restoration of agriculture in Ukraine". Funds were raised from the Trust Fund for the Promotion of the Necessary Expansion of Credit for Ukraine. Considering that in the conditions of war, Ukrainian agriculture suffers significant losses, which endangers food security not only in Ukraine, but also in the whole world, this event is an important contribution to ensuring access to finance for agrarian business in Ukraine. Therefore, the Ukrainian side has repeatedly expressed gratitude to the World Bank team and the Japanese government for their timely support from the first days of the full-scale invasion.

For reference: The emergency project of providing inclusive support for the recovery of agriculture in Ukraine (ARISE) is aimed at supporting the access of agricultural producers to financing through preferential lending (compensation of expenses under the "5-7-9%" program) and improving the access of small farms to financing through grants. The amount of financing for the project is currently $550 million, of which $500 million will be used to finance the State Program "Affordable Credits 5-7-9%" in 2023-2024 with a focus on agricultural enterprises. Almost another $50 million is earmarked for grants for small agricultural producers.