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Ukrainian potatoes will receive their own state standard

Ukrainian potatoes will receive their own state standard

From June 1, the national standard for edible potatoes DSTU 9221:2023 will be introduced in Ukraine. The norms will operate in accordance with order No. 102 of the State Enterprise "Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Standardization and Quality Certification".

As the press service of "UkrNDNC" reported, in Ukraine, depending on the timing of harvesting, a distinction will be made between early and late potatoes. At the same time, depending on the quality, it is divided into three classes - extra, 1st grade and 2nd grade. Depending on the use, potatoes can be washed or unwashed.

Note that the national standard provides basic characteristics and standards for potatoes, taking into account their variety, which describe the appearance, smell, taste of potatoes, and the appearance of their inner part. The standard specifies the permissible content of toxic elements in edible potatoes and provides requirements for its calibration. Separate items are devoted to the marking of the product label of potatoes, the features of its packaging, and transportation.

In addition, the standard also provides for the principle of sampling when selling potatoes, methods of monitoring the obtained results.