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Companies Horticulture - Regional Centers - Kharkiv region

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
ВИДЫ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ, ТОВАРЫ И УСЛУГИ: Мішки паперові 20 кг Виготовлення тари з картону i гофрокартону з 1-, 2-кольоровим друком Картонні піддоно-лотки для овочів i фруктів Коробки для піцци Па... More details
61001 м.Харків, вул.Юр'ївська, 17, ТОВ "Корвет"

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
ВИДЫ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ, ТОВАРЫ И УСЛУГИ: Пшениця, ячмінь, кукурудза Соя Соняшник... More details
61003 г.Харьков, пер.Самеровский, 10

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
EKOLIST fertilizer for houseplants and outdoor plants soil Plants of open ground and room... More details
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61002 г.Харьков, ул.Пушкинская, 25-Б

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
ВИДЫ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ, ТОВАРЫ И УСЛУГИ: Удобрения для комнатных растений и растений открытого грунта Декоративные растения открытого грунта и комнатные є Р... More details
61057 г.Харьков, ул.Пушкинская, 25-Б

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Products of floral Fertilizer Seeds... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
61166 г.Харьков, пр.Ленина, 20

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers, seedling nursery Grain... More details
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Харківська обл., Лозівський р-н, с.Катеринівка, вул. Орджонікідзе, буд.4

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
ВИДЫ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ, ТОВАРЫ И УСЛУГИ: Сушильное оборудование для древесины, зерна, продуктов, фруктов, овощей, любых материалов Обжарочное оборудование для орехов, кофе, гречихи, подсолнечника и ... More details
61115 г.Харьков, ул.17 Партсъезда, 34, к.162

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Growing of cereals sunflower Cultivation... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
64100 Харківська обл., м.Первомайський, вул.Жовтнева, 6, к.46

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Sprayers pressure washers small Tractors-mowers Garden shredders Cultivators... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
63500 Харьковская обл., м.Чугуїв, вул.Харківська, 271
Company: Data not verified MAIS

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Seeds of hybrid maize domestic and foreign selection for grain and silage Seeds hybrid sunflower, soybean, wheat a Fungicide with growth stimulators AGAT-25K... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
61082 г.Харьков, а/я 2990

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