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About company:

PE “Firm Everest-agro” offers to grow crops, the plant growth regulator “Radostim TM" Treatment of the specified drug of seeds and vegetative plant allows to reduce up to 30% of the seeding rate, 50% of disinfectants and up to 25% of fungicides, at the same time, while reducing energy, labor, and financial investments to the yield increase compared to conventional technology up to 10 kg/ha. costs of the application of the RRR “Radostim TM” based on one hectare - 140 UAH, fully repaid by the saving of seeds and means of plant protection.
long-term practice of application of the RRR “Radostim TM” in different regions of Ukraine showed that this drug on its economic efficiency has no analogues in Ukraine.

Wholesale buyers discounts are available.

95034, АВТОНОМНА РЕСПУБЛІКА КРИМ, КИЇВСЬКИЙ район, місто СІМФЕРОПОЛЬ, вулиця ДЕКАБРИСТІВ, будинок 21, офіс 205
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