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Company: Data not verified


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About company:

the Type of Elevator - Linear

the Capacity of simultaneous storage - 194,477 kt

Metal silos - 194,477 kt: 6 pieces 18,599 which are derivative kt , 3 PCs 30,335 tonnes AGI-Twister (Canada)

Dryers - GSI Z 10000 (USA) - 2 PCs.

the efficiency of the dryer when removing 10% moisture for corn - 147 t/h

fuel type Gas

the Operational capacity for wet grain - 740т Buhler (Switzerland)

Cleaning equipment - Separators Buhler TAS 206A-6 (Switzerland) - 3 PCs.

Power cleaning equipment - 250 t/h

Transportation equipment - IRON MEN - AGI (Canada)

the capacity of the transport equipment - 250 t/h

Chain conveyors - There are

Belt conveyors - There are

the Lining is There.

Aspiration system - Buhler (Switzerland)

the auto reception of grain - 2 points

Maximum weight (excluding trucks), t - 60

the Maximum length of the received vehicles (excluding trucks) - 21

the Maximum envelope height, m - 3.5

the presence of the side discharge - There is

the Power lines of the auto reception - 7 000 t/h

the type of the sampling - Automatic

the Presence of the scale - Automatic

W-d acceptance - No

the Availability of its own locomotive's

the type of the sampling - Manual

Autothrust - 1 point

Capacity of 3 000 t/day

W-d ship - 1 point (route)

Power/railway shipment - 3 500 t/day

the Name of the railway station of Dubno, Lviv railway (350303)

the Possibility of a visit to the station Is

the Presence of private rail - scales Are

the Entrance is via ppzht - Is

the Entrance is via a private road - There is

Certification lab - Yes

Cultures with which it works - Wheat, barley, corn, soybean, sunflower, rapeseed

Additional details (products, services):
Ровненская область, Дубенский район, г Дубно, переулок Проездной, д.7
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No notes