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Аlmost all components of the borscht set rose in price by an average of 20% during the year

Аlmost all components of the borscht set rose in price by an average of 20% during the year

In January of the new year, 2024, all vegetables in the borscht set, except onions and carrots, cost 20% more than a year ago. At the same time, the record holder for price growth for the year was potatoes, which, compared to the beginning of 2023, became more expensive by 3.5 times. Currently, its wholesale price is UAH 14-15.5 per kilogram. At the same time, beets and cabbage cost UAH 10-11 per kilogram, which is 20% more expensive than last year. At the same time, carrots cost UAH 10-11 per kilogram, which is 48% cheaper than last year's figure. Compared to last year, onions have more than doubled in price and cost 11.5-12.5 hryvnias.

Experts believe that such falls are the result of excessive volumes - overproduction of carrots and onions. The reduction in demand also affected the price situation. But analysts note that the increase in prices for some vegetables is primarily related to high storage and transportation costs, as well as increased electricity tariffs for producers and the cost of fuel.

Therefore, according to agricultural market experts, a critical increase in prices is not expected until the end of winter. Depending on the type of vegetables, the price increase can range from 2 to 7%. Analysts add that it is important to take into account general economic conditions in the country, which can affect food prices and weather factors.