In order for plants to grow well and bear fruit, they must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. They come from the soil, through the root system. However, over time, the soil is depleted, it becomes less of the necessary organic and mineral compounds, without which the plants will not be able to develop and produce large, juicy fruits. To avoid such situations, special fertilizers are used.

Fertilizers allow you to saturate the soil with nitrogen and useful trace elements, contribute to good growth and development of plants. However, in order for them to show their properties, it is necessary to know at what time of the year which compositions to use. We will figure out what fertilizers to apply in autumn, spring and summer for different types of plants and fruit trees, and how to do it.

What fertilizer to apply in the spring

The spring period is extremely important, because it is then that the planting of the main plants in the garden begins. Therefore, fertilizers at this time are especially important for the soil. As a rule, fertilizers begin to be applied after the snow melts. It is pointless to scatter the compositions over the snow, because after it comes off, most of the fertilizers will simply be washed away from the site.
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When is the best time to fertilize in the spring? The main time for this is April, since it is during this period that the garden is digged and the main crops (potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes) and fruit trees are planted, and it is extremely important to provide food for growing seeds, seedlings and tubers.

An important question is what fertilizers to apply in the spring when planting? As a rule, the following compositions are introduced at this time.

  • Nitrogen. This is an extremely important substance for building green mass by plants. In particular, it should be used for cabbage and greens. Therefore, compounds such as urea and ammonium nitrate will be a good option for the garden.
  • organic fertilizers. Gardeners and gardeners often add organic matter when digging a garden or preparing holes for planting trees and shrubs. For example, bird droppings, humus or compost can be used for this. In addition, manure can also be used, but with this type of fertilizer you need to be careful and apply it correctly. An important point - before fertilizing, it is necessary to dilute the manure and defend it for 5 days. Otherwise, there is a risk of burning the plants.
  • potassium and phosphorus. Extremely important substances for plants. Phosphorus allows you to increase the number and mass of fruits. In particular, it is used for legumes, strawberries, cereals. Potassium is important for the development of the root system in root crops. For example, it is used for beets and carrots. In this case, complex compositions should be used. However, before using them, you need to read the instructions, because it indicates the dose of the drug.
It is advisable to plan even in winter what kind of crops and trees you will plant on the site and decide in advance what fertilizer to apply when sowing.

What fertilizers are applied in summer?

In the summer, as a rule, top dressing for plants is used. It is worth monitoring their condition and adding the necessary compounds. For example, if you notice that your plantings are growing slowly, this may indicate that they are deficient in nitrogen. The main top dressings, in this case, are as follows.

  • Manure. It must be diluted at the rate of 1:15 with water, and in no case should the solution be poured directly under the root. For top dressing, you need to make grooves between the rows, and pour the solution there.
  • Mullein. Unlike manure, the solution can be made more concentrated - 1:10. In addition, it can be poured directly into the holes without fear of “burning” the roots.
If the nitrogen problem is very serious, it is advisable to use a mineral supplement. For example, carbamide is suitable for this. It contains nitrogen, which is easily absorbed. Thanks to this, such top dressing will help solve the problem of a lack of substance in a short time.
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An important question is what fertilizers can be applied if the leaves have acquired a red or even purple hue. This problem can occur with tomatoes and some other fast growing crops. If this happens, be sure to add phosphorus. For this, you can also use complex top dressing, which will provide plants not only with phosphorus, but also with potassium.

Some plants also have serious needs for potash fertilizers. This is especially true for nightshade and melons. Potassium deficiency is clearly indicated by yellowing and drying of the leaves. Gardeners are trying to save the situation with manure and compost, but this is a mistake. There is practically no potassium in these fertilizers. Therefore, it is better to use mineral compounds.

What fertilizer to add in the fall?

Autumn is another important time for gardeners and gardeners. It is during this period that the preparation of the soil for future fruiting in the spring is carried out. remember, during the winter, some substances are almost completely removed from the soil, so there is not much point in introducing them. For example, in the coldest time of the year, nitrogen is almost completely washed out of the soil. Therefore, it is not worth spending fertilizers during this period. But potassium is perfectly preserved in the soil. And if you saturate the soil with potassium in abundance, in the spring it will be possible not to apply fertilizers with it.

In autumn, peat can be applied. It is a very nutrient rich fertilizer. Peat will help restore the soil after the summer season. Ash is also useful, which will saturate the soil with calcium. However, it is not necessary to apply this fertilizer too often. It is best to add ashes during the autumn digging of the garden every 3 years.

If the soil in your area is very dense, or vice versa, you have loose sandstones, it is worth considering sawdust as a fertilizer. They help to loosen dense soil and keep moisture in the sand. The sawdust will gradually decompose and turn into humus, which will attract worms.

Also, at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, it is recommended to plant green manure. These are crops that grow rapidly, and at the time of the onset of winter they turn into a green mass. Under the snow, these plants rot and saturate the soil with useful substances. For example, green manures include mustard, alfalfa, oats, rye, and clover. These crops are characterized by intensive growth and will help to saturate the soil with nutrients.

Another important question is what fertilizers to apply in the fall for digging. In this case, it is recommended to apply fertilizer if the site has clay soil or loam. In this case, it is worth making manure at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 m2. However, it should not be applied too often - the best solution would be to use manure 1 time in 3-4 years. It is necessary to lay deep enough - 15-20 cm.

Also a good option for digging would be to use grass cuttings. In particular, weeds or tops from the site can be used for it. The green mass must be crushed and laid to a depth of 20 cm. The cut should be laid in a layer, 5-7 cm thick, after which it must be covered with soil. You can also use combined potassium-phosphorus compounds, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.