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Companies Molds and forms

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Production of trays, carts and heat-resistant coating repair Service and clean shapes and designs... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
51933 Днепропетровская обл., г.Дн-дзержинск, ул.Медицинская, 3, к.33 (факт.); ул

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Selling: reapers for sunflower harvesting INS-6;7,4 at a price of UAH 104000,00. WIP-4.9, ZHVN-6B (01-04), GBV-4.2 Devices for harvesting canola, devices for sunflower harvesting Platform-balers, m... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
проспект Пролетарский 2с

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Bakery equipment perforated bottom Sheet. under the baguette under the baton, under sticks the leaves of the hearth, condit. expanded metal and smooth forms of bread aluminum, metal Equipment bakery, ... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
51900 Днепропетровская обл., г.Дн-дзержинск, ул.Тагильская, 18, к.5

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Mold for the manufacture of PET bottles... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
91020 г.Луганск, проезд 8-й Лутугинский, 5

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Forms for baking bread... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
68610 Одесская обл., г.Измаил, ул.Гагарина, 56

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Vacuum forming Manufacturing of forms under the order... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
84118 Донецкая обл., г.Славянск, ул.Тюленина, 2

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Equipment, molds for hams, tools Packing materials... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
49051 г.Дн-ск, ул.Курсантская, 1-К

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Packaging food and non-food Packing of food and not food Preforms... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
29000 г.Хмельницкий, ул.Пилотская, 20

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Equipment for dairies molds for the cheese. the Equipment for packing dairy products the Development of new technologies of manufacturing dairy products Training of personnel for the dairy industry... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
49100 г.Дн-ск, наб.Победы, 120

Information about this company is taken from open sources. Portal AgroKatalog does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of this information. If you are a representative of this company, you can access the management of information about the company. To do this, you need to log in to the AgroCatalog portal - if you already have an account, and register - if you do not have an account yet. After that, you need to click on the access request button below on this page. A request for access to company information management will be created and will be considered by the portal administration within 24 hours. After consideration, you will be given access and you will be able to see the company in your personal account in the "Companies" section - with the ability to edit the information. If you are interested in the contacts of this company - the "Open contacts" button is located under the information about the company.

About company:
Manufacturer of blow molding and injection moulds for p/p, p/e container Manufacturer of plastic containers cleaning agents for cleaning at industrial enterprises... More details
Additional details (products, services) :
03170 г.Киев, ул.Янтарная, 6

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